Friday, June 18, 2010

new blog

Today I set up my blog for 23 Things.


  1. Thing#1
    Being a lifelong learner is the way to keep life interesting. I think the most difficult thing will be to develop confidence in my ability to master new technology and to move out of my comfort zone. I see the need to use technology in the classroom to engage and challenge my students. Being able to keep up with today's students will be my challenge. The easiest thing for me will be to develop my "learning toolbox" and to work with others to complete this course. I think the most important habit will be to view problems as challenges.

  2. Thing #2
    Wow! What a vast topic. I see Web 2.0 as a way of collaboration with fellow teachers and a way to get a complete picture of what is happening in the educational life of my students. On the other hand, I see the possibility of drowning in information. Reading every teachers' blog at my campus, and the principal reading them, and the then the superintendent reading all the blogs in the district. When will there be time to teach? I do see Web 2.0 as a new method of sharing information. It should make saving and finding information quicker and easier. And it would be a way of saving paper. This is the future.

  3. Stephanie
    I agree with you about being a lifelong learner as the way to keep life interesting. I also agree that keeping up with the students will be the challenge. I think this generation is born understanding all the technology!!
